Wednesday, September 15, 2010

SSC1 - Social Sciences

Discover Our Arts & Sciences Programs My last course INC1 was, as I have stated, a pain in the butt. I needed to read each chapter in full as shown in the course of study because I had no competency with the material. But what happens when you are reading through a chapter and feel you already know some of the material and feel you're losing some time to redundancy? This has started to happen with my social sciences course.

Now mind you, I don't know too much of the material already, but there is a chapter here and there that I feel I may be already competent. And since these chapters are fairly long I could save quite a bit of time if I could somehow "skip" these areas. So I am going to offer a tip on how to do this for those of you enrolled at the university.

Take the pre-assessment and view the coaching report. If you see an area where you scored 100% or even in the 90% range, skip that area and move on. There are also section/chapter quizzes you can use to gauge competency; if I score high on a chapter quiz, I move on to the next chapter. And If you scored really high on the pre-assessment itself, you can probably just schedule your exam and get the course completed quickly.

I take my exam next week.


  1. Odd that I should find this now - I'm taking INC1 in about 15 minutes :)

    How did it go for you?

  2. I passed, but not by much. My apologies for being away from the blog for so long.

  3. Congrats on all your hard work. Do you recall if the final test was the same as the pretest? I just want to know what the test is based around the most. Thanks for your help and for posting this blog.

  4. Thanks for talking about your pre-assessment. I'm going through exactly what you talked about--I love the course (CNC1), I just feel stalled, and not for lack of work. Thanks again! :D

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  8. My one friend is doing the BS in social sciences and he really good at study. He was telling me social science has a really good future growth. Does it right?

  9. Thanks for speakme about your pre-comparison. I am going through precisely what you mentioned-- watch online movies
    i like the path (CNC1), I simply feel stalled, and no longer for lack of work. Thanks once more! :D
