Wednesday, September 1, 2010

INC1 - A Nightmare In Science

Discover Our Arts & Sciences Programs I took my exam for Integrated Natural Sciences (INC1) today and passed, although not by much. Do I care? No. Just glad to have it out of the way.

For those of you enrolled at WGU who haven't yet taken INC1 let me explain roughly what it is: Physics, Nuclear Physics, Chemistry, Genetics, Earth Sciences, Biology, Evolution, Ecosystems, and Astronomy all rolled into one gigantic science course. The information was well presented and I have no problems with the course itself; I learned a great deal and got a kick out of knowing that while kissing someone our atoms aren't actually touching.

The problem I had was the test was very specific for so much information. Usually a test for a course that covers alot of ground asks more general questions such as "what is an igneous rock?" instead of "(insert chemical equation here) what element is this?" There were also a great deal of multiple answer questions so you MUST know your stuff.

While difficult, you will learn much about the world around us and within us and I rather enjoyed some sections such as ecosystems. But chemistry and genetics be damned...

This exam sucked - I'm not going to lie. 76 questions of pure hell.


  1. I scheduled my INC1 exam for 9/21! I'm dreading it but I hope I pass it so I can get it over with! I'm taking a few days off from studying and focusing on INT1 and my other courses! Any tips?

  2. There is a study guide for INC1 available. Its only 25.95 i hear and 112 pages. Check it out at:

  3. What is the best material to study? The weekly exams or the questions from the course of study?

  4. WGU Student has a good point in taking a quick break. The day I pass an exam I take at least a full day break before getting started on the next course, the only exception is if I'm down to the end of a term and am behind schedule.

    Douglas - The COS is the ultimate guide. Tells you exactly what to do and in what order.

  5. has anyone used the

    I have gone through all the course material but a ton of information to cover. Now I just want to use a flashcard or study guide to make sure I am prepared but I want to use something other WGU students have found useful. Let me know.

  6. Did you find anything? I'm in the same situation

  7. Does anyone know if the exam is the same as the preassesment?

    1. Most WGU exams are exactly like the pre-assessments.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I didn't pass my preassessment .. so sad. I want the name of the book so I can study it.. unless someone else has a better idea :)

  10. I have exam in two weeks, any tips?

    1. Go and get the study guide at

  11. I used the study guide at and it helped. Worth a shot to check out

  12. I used the study guide at I believe it was the best ever! Without it I wouldn't have passed.

  13. I can access the study guide everybody is talking here.
    Is that the website?

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  16. As you make your title which is that the nightmare in science which will look not good to many peoples. But the great one knows how to survive during difficult time. Nightmare equals to opportunity.

  17. WGU scholar has a just right point in taking a fast wreck. The day I pass an exam I take at the least a full day ruin earlier than free online movies
    getting started on the subsequent direction, the only exception is if i am all the way down to the end of a time period and am behind agenda.

  18. Where can I find the WGU Integrated Natural Sciences study guides filled out?
