Sunday, July 24, 2011

Getting Back On Track

Discover Our Arts & Sciences Programs Last term was tough, and sadly, I didn't pass a couple courses. Working on a new term to tackle the two I missed and am down a bit on motivation. I have had a couple mentor changes. My first mentor whom I really liked accepted a promotion within WGU, then I got a new mentor that I also liked that accepted a position in his hometown, and now I have another mentor that I also like very much. She answers e-mails and calls very promptly, is very understanding, and is doing a great job motivating me to accomplish my goals.

Doing online schooling is tough. Not just because of the academics but how easy it is to slack during the hot summer months. Procrastination will KILL you so it is extremely important to make a schedule and keep it. Do not let your friends, your significant other, TV shows, or anything else (with the exception of emergencies with children, etc.) keep you from studying.

I am still in good standing with the university of course, but I have fallen slightly. My friend, also enrolled in the university, has had his bad terms as well so I just get back on the horse and keep moving forward. I am determined to get back on track and will keep all of you posted on my progress.


  1. I know the feeling exactly. I was off to a great start my first term by completing 30 cu's (including INC/INT!). The next term, along came math and I only got through 10 cu's. I'm now in my third term back to knocking out courses left and right. I find my motivation comes in waves, but it's always helpful for me to reflect on where I'm headed and how lucky I am to have found WGU.

    Love your blog. Keep up the great work. You sound like an extraordinary student. We all need to refresh our motivation once in a while!

  2. I have a question. I have been reading your blog for a few months while I am getting ready to start (Oct 1!). I have a nook and I am wondering if some of the reading material is able to be put onto the nook.

  3. Mentors play important role in our life and we all need mentors. Don't feel bad for missing the course. When i start working on cat wallpaper project first 1 or 2 months results were not good but I keep improving and eventually i did well. I hope you're also improving and then you'll get good results.
